Welcome to The Friday Flea. The ultimate marketplace for awesome deals. We offer a FREE venue for small business to sell their destash, sale, clearance supplies and goods without getting lost in the cornflakes of big commercial venues. We are not a junky flea store, but rather a collective of quality desirable merchandise for the artist, crafter or collector. Please read our links above to find out more.
Sellers: Simply link up to 4 items each week from your selling venue offering great prices. Please check TheRules page for what is and is not allowed here. Please grab the badge and post on your blog or website.
Buyers: You will purchase directly from the sellers link
Let’s have fun!
A new link list is published every Friday and you can link in at any time during the week
The Friday Flea is wholly supported by its advertisers. We are a high traffic selling venue with very affordable advertising. We also have a new facebook page that sponsors will be featured on 2-3 times a month.
6 month side bar 150×150 banner
If you have more than one venue, you can save by bundling your shops into one package.
$25 for one shop
$37.50 for 2 shops
$50 for 3 shops
Click on the blue box on the side bar to purchase. You will be sent an email after purchase requesting your shop name, banner, and URL information.
If you wish to purchase a bundle package, please send a comment below (hidden from public view) and we will respond within 24-28 hours with a link to purchase.
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Advertise on The Friday Flea

Click above to purchase your ad. We will contact you after payment for your banner and link.
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Cottage Friends Emporium