Welcome to The Friday Flea. The ultimate marketplace for awesome deals. We offer a FREE venue for small business to sell their destash, sale, clearance supplies and goods without getting lost in the cornflakes of big commercial venues. We are not a junky flea store, but rather a collective of quality desirable merchandise for the artist, crafter or collector. Please read our links above to find out more.
Sellers: Simply link up to 4 items each week from your selling venue offering great prices. Please check TheRules page for what is and is not allowed here. Please grab the badge and post on your blog or website.
Buyers: You will purchase directly from the sellers link
Let’s have fun!
A new link list is published every Friday and you can link in at any time during the week
image upload
We use InLinx linking service. When you are linking from sites such as Etsy or Artfire or a blog there are never any issues with your images loading here since they were images you directly loaded from your personal computer.
But, If you are having problems with you image showing up—please read below
Normally this is caused from the fact that the image you selected was not directly hosted from the site you were linking from. Example would be ebay listing, but you are using photobucket or activa or other 3rd party sites to host your photos. Or if you have a website and are hosting the photos somewhere else on the web besides uploading your photos directly to the site
This is very easy to correct. Always make sure your photo loaded after you link up. (You will have to refresh the page)
If it doesn’t show up there is a little red x next to your link to delete and you can start again. When you get to the image page, you want to select “upload your own image” as shown in the attached pic.
Or you can enter the URL from the site hosting your pics such as photobucket

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Cottage Friends Emporium